Nov 18, 2010

New Asian Movement is NOT "hate" movement but "Indifference" movement.

The opposite of Love is what?

It is not hatred, but it is indifference, and New Asian Movement is about love of our own race and indifference to other races. Do not hate other races. It's the wrong direction.

the degree of interest---------->------------->

Indifference is the void of love to the target. Hatred is too much love(or more specifically, interest) to the target.

If you choose not to love someone or some groups, Do NOT hate them. Just be indifferent to them. Show no interest to them and think no interest to them. That's the furthest point you can apart yourself from love. Hatred, on the other side, is too much interest to the object, and love and hatred is much closer to each other than love and indifference. Too much love turns hatred. Hatred can turn back to love. If you choose not to love someone, indifference is the correct answer.

Nov 8, 2010

It's not about them. It's about us!

New Asian Movement is not about them. New Asian Movement is about us! It's not a movement to change non-Asians' perception about Asians. It's the movement to change our perception about us! We are who we naturally are natural we are progressively evolving.

We should not look at what Whites do or listen to what Whites say about Asians. Control your minds. Don't look at them with envy. Don't listen to them with envy. Monitoring other races' opinions about us and respond them with anger and blame is an immature, wrong anti-racism - a losers' cult, which a famous website is about - *ngry Asian Man. I do not support them, although I understand why they are angry.

Do not judge yourself by what others see you. Value yourself as you are. Keep firmly your "Dignity" inside you. Don't lose it. That's where all your humanity comes from.

It doesn't matter what Whites and Blacks say about Asians. Ignore them like gentlemen & gentle ladies. Protect your "Dignity" inside you and be good and strong. you will find yourself much higher than them so you cannot even hear them far below.

Oct 27, 2010

Not about Asian, but about Human

my new post in Global Racial Segregation Plan (GRSP)

Oct 23, 2010

Flexible Marriage System (FMS)

I am thinking “New Asian Society” might adopt the “Flexible marriage system (FMS)” that accepts polygyny (marriage between one husband and multiple wives) and polyandry (marriage between one wife and multiple husbands) and even group marriages (marriages among multiple husbands and wives).Of course, marriage is not obligation and ones who don’t want to marry don’t have to do so, staying single.

The reason for the Flexible marriage system is to broaden the social freedom of our citizens and to decrease the percentage of willing-to-marry-but-unable “left-over” men and women. Statistics say married people are happier than single people. So, I think in society as a whole, our citizens will be happier in this system.

New Asian Society(NAS) is economically liberal society and citizens can seek financial benefits. As seen in the history, when economic freedom is broadened, the discrepancy between the rich and pool widens. As the result, there will be some citizens affordable to have multiple partners financially and emotionally. In my guess, rich and intelligent men and women will prefer to have polygyny and polyandry marriages. Middle-class men and women will prefer to have one-on-one marriages. Poor men and women will prefer to have group marriages or join other women’s polyandry or men’s polygyny.

Sounds strange? I think it’s better fit to the modern society. We can try at least!

Oct 20, 2010

Our slogan, commune name and organization name

how about those?

"Dignity -New Asian Movement"

We are going to make "New Asian Society(NAS)" and our leading organization name is "New Asian Movement Institute(NAMI)" NAMI means "wave" in Japanese.

Oct 16, 2010

Be a "good racist".

Don't be a hypocritical racial-egalitarian who only be so to take advantages of "inferior" races and to exploit them. Be a GOOD racist. Don't be immoral.

Oct 14, 2010

Slogans of NAM

Here are some examples of slogans for this movement.

"Believe me, we can do it"

"Pride is for minority."

"Why go America to be the second citizen? Be the first citizen in our new society.
-New Asian Movement"

I suggest to call Whites as "pinkies" in NAM because they are rather pink than white.

"We like who we are - not how close we are to Pinkies(Whites)"

"We don't have yellow skins - you guys are just too pink"

"Clearly racists, Progressively racists.
-New Asian Movement"

"Say "No" to the International (White-centered) community"

"Good bye, pinkies(Whites). We just can't live with you."

"We are the seperationists from racial mixture and economic globalism."

"Now Blacks are accepted. We became the single most discriminated racial group in America today. Why stay there?"

Oct 3, 2010

Sep 3, 2010

Anti-racism is a new censorship

People in Western countries dread to be seen as racist because racists are "bad people" and they are "public enemy". However, in reality, nobody really care about or enthusiastic about anti-racism or equal rights of races. People are just scared to be accused as racists. Finding a racist is the modern-day witch hunt and it is a propaganda of modern governments. I'm not telling you to be a racist, but I want to insist people have the rights to choose from racist, anti-racist and not-care-about. We should more openly discuss the validity of racism and anti-racism. Free society supports free opinion and stance, and when the concept of anti-racism conflict with the concept of freedom of speech (both are modern Western concepts), we should think which has the priority over which.

Aug 11, 2010

Individualism, Free thinking

New Asian Movement supports individualism and free opinions. We are different from old socialist ideal. We set ourselves free from the old community under the exploitation of Caucasians and find ways to live as we truly are. NAM do not close doors to the outer world or races, but it promises to enhance our competitiveness and social status in the international community. NAM is the gathering of free and independent thinkers. We create the world we feel no inferior to other races. We Mongoloid should not feel inferior any longer!

Neighborly love

I have observed that when races change, neighborly love is critically decreased. Caucasians may be good people to their close relatives, but they are much less moral to other races. Look at a number of European and American men surging into (South)East Asia with ambitions of sex-tourism, more disgustingly child-sex-tourism. Our fellow Asians do not seem to pay attention of this disgusting reality and try to protect our close relatives. Sex is a dignity. We should not sell dignity cheaply to distant relatives - Caucasians. We should protect our women and children. Do not rely on some European or American activists' mercy. Asian men should protect Asian women and children. Again, look at the reality and think for yourself.

New Asian Movement is a mongoloid pride movement

We should realize that we now live in the peripherals of Caucasian-centered world. Mongoloid should look at the international reality and get united to protect our rights and raise our social status. We are not the second citizens of the world. NAM is not the movement to incite hatred to other races, but it unites Mongoloid to protect ourselves from immoral exploitation from other races.