Oct 23, 2010

Flexible Marriage System (FMS)

I am thinking “New Asian Society” might adopt the “Flexible marriage system (FMS)” that accepts polygyny (marriage between one husband and multiple wives) and polyandry (marriage between one wife and multiple husbands) and even group marriages (marriages among multiple husbands and wives).Of course, marriage is not obligation and ones who don’t want to marry don’t have to do so, staying single.

The reason for the Flexible marriage system is to broaden the social freedom of our citizens and to decrease the percentage of willing-to-marry-but-unable “left-over” men and women. Statistics say married people are happier than single people. So, I think in society as a whole, our citizens will be happier in this system.

New Asian Society(NAS) is economically liberal society and citizens can seek financial benefits. As seen in the history, when economic freedom is broadened, the discrepancy between the rich and pool widens. As the result, there will be some citizens affordable to have multiple partners financially and emotionally. In my guess, rich and intelligent men and women will prefer to have polygyny and polyandry marriages. Middle-class men and women will prefer to have one-on-one marriages. Poor men and women will prefer to have group marriages or join other women’s polyandry or men’s polygyny.

Sounds strange? I think it’s better fit to the modern society. We can try at least!