Oct 14, 2010

Slogans of NAM

Here are some examples of slogans for this movement.

"Believe me, we can do it"

"Pride is for minority."

"Why go America to be the second citizen? Be the first citizen in our new society.
-New Asian Movement"

I suggest to call Whites as "pinkies" in NAM because they are rather pink than white.

"We like who we are - not how close we are to Pinkies(Whites)"

"We don't have yellow skins - you guys are just too pink"

"Clearly racists, Progressively racists.
-New Asian Movement"

"Say "No" to the International (White-centered) community"

"Good bye, pinkies(Whites). We just can't live with you."

"We are the seperationists from racial mixture and economic globalism."

"Now Blacks are accepted. We became the single most discriminated racial group in America today. Why stay there?"