Nov 18, 2010

New Asian Movement is NOT "hate" movement but "Indifference" movement.

The opposite of Love is what?

It is not hatred, but it is indifference, and New Asian Movement is about love of our own race and indifference to other races. Do not hate other races. It's the wrong direction.

the degree of interest---------->------------->

Indifference is the void of love to the target. Hatred is too much love(or more specifically, interest) to the target.

If you choose not to love someone or some groups, Do NOT hate them. Just be indifferent to them. Show no interest to them and think no interest to them. That's the furthest point you can apart yourself from love. Hatred, on the other side, is too much interest to the object, and love and hatred is much closer to each other than love and indifference. Too much love turns hatred. Hatred can turn back to love. If you choose not to love someone, indifference is the correct answer.