Jan 29, 2011

Blacks are over-treated patients

While other races are left behind under- or untreated for their racial discrimination in America, Blacks are over-treated patients for their legacy of slavery. Even those black generations who never experienced obvious public racial discrimination, let alone slavery, are deluded themselves as the victims of American discrimination. Again, that is not from the real discrimination, but because of their average low IQ makes themselves the slaves of over-simplistic thinking, who cannot still compete with other races in their work place. Blacks are also over-confidence race as statistics show. Despite their significantly lower level of IQ tests, they still believe they are cleverer than other races. Under-performance in professional world of black people are, by themselves, justified by social inequity, not because of their lower IQ. They raise their loud voices like selfish children as if they are still victims of slavery and insist they need more money and privileges to be cured for already non-existing injuries. While other races hold the sense of shame unlike Blacks, they are not paid attention and not treated their real injury of discrimination.