Aug 11, 2010

Individualism, Free thinking

New Asian Movement supports individualism and free opinions. We are different from old socialist ideal. We set ourselves free from the old community under the exploitation of Caucasians and find ways to live as we truly are. NAM do not close doors to the outer world or races, but it promises to enhance our competitiveness and social status in the international community. NAM is the gathering of free and independent thinkers. We create the world we feel no inferior to other races. We Mongoloid should not feel inferior any longer!

Neighborly love

I have observed that when races change, neighborly love is critically decreased. Caucasians may be good people to their close relatives, but they are much less moral to other races. Look at a number of European and American men surging into (South)East Asia with ambitions of sex-tourism, more disgustingly child-sex-tourism. Our fellow Asians do not seem to pay attention of this disgusting reality and try to protect our close relatives. Sex is a dignity. We should not sell dignity cheaply to distant relatives - Caucasians. We should protect our women and children. Do not rely on some European or American activists' mercy. Asian men should protect Asian women and children. Again, look at the reality and think for yourself.

New Asian Movement is a mongoloid pride movement

We should realize that we now live in the peripherals of Caucasian-centered world. Mongoloid should look at the international reality and get united to protect our rights and raise our social status. We are not the second citizens of the world. NAM is not the movement to incite hatred to other races, but it unites Mongoloid to protect ourselves from immoral exploitation from other races.